Sunday, November 15, 2020

Canada Dual Intent Visa for Spousal Sponsorship Update

A  dual  intent  is present  when a foreign  national  who has applied  for permanent  residence  in Canada  or who could apply  for permanent  residence  in Canada  also  requests  to enter  Canada  for a temporary  period 

It  is possible  to apply  for spousal  sponsorship  at the same time  as a visitor  visa  thanks  to the double  visa  concept. Canada  clarifies  dual  intent  for foreign  marriage  sponsorship  applicants  It  is possible  to apply  for spousal sponsorship  at the same time  as applying  for a visitor  visa  thanks  to the concept  of dual  use 

Some  couples  who apply  for the sponsorship  of their spouse  or civil  law  partner  want  to apply  for a Temporary  Resident  Visa  TRV first  and then travel  to Canada  to apply  for national  sponsorship

Another option is to apply for both. Although immigration  officials  must  ensure  that temporary  visa  applicants  leave  at the end  of their authorized  period  of stay  it is possible  to apply  for permanent  residence  as a temporary  resident. In  other words  applying  for temporary  residence  in any form  does not prevent  you from applying  for permanent  residence

The official  must  distinguish  between a bona fide temporary  resident  applicant  who intends  to fulfill  his obligations  as a temporary  resident i.e. leave  at the end  of the authorized  stay  R179 and an applicant  who does not intend  to leave  Canada  at the end  of the authorized  stay  if their application  for permanent  residence  is rejected. To assess  the intentions  of the applicant  it is necessary  to study  the individual  circumstances  of the applicant  for temporary  residence  Refusals  from unscrupulous  temporary  residents  can only be challenged  if the refusal  is based  on information  relating  to a specific  matter  addressed  to the official.

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